Ingrid Maria Paoletti
Full Professor in Architectural Technology.

Ingrid Maria Paoletti graduated in Architecture (1998; enrolled in the Register of Architects, Planners, Landscapers and Conservators of the Province of Milano), achieved her PhD (2003) and became in the meantime a Research Associate at the MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Boston, USA; 2000-2001). She won two Research Grants to continue her PhD research on Innovative Façade Systems at the Best Department, Politecnico di Milano (2004 – 2005). She has been Assistant Professor (2006 – 2014) and Associate Professor (from 2014 – 2022) at the ABC Department of Politecnico di Milano. From 2023 she is a Full Professor.
She got the Abilitazione Scientifica Nazionale ICAR12 Settore Concorsuale domanda: 08/C1 Prima Fascia (II Semester 2017).
She is the founder and coordinator of Research Groups: first ACTLAB (2014 – 2017) and then Material Balance (from 2018).
She is the Scientific Coordinator of the SAPERLab, ABC Department, Politecnico di Milano (2006), and the delegate for the ABCLab System. Moreover, she has been the Rector’s Delegate for Exhibitions and Events since 2023.
She is an experienced professor and researcher on Material systems and Innovative Technologies for Architecture with experimental works and theoretical studies. Her research studies deal with technological design for architecture, searching for new processes and products for the built environment, with particular regard to advanced methods and tools for the environmental regeneration of the building sector.
Visiting Researcher at Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), Boston (USA) // 2019
Leadership on Research – Executive Team management // 2011
Course SDA – Bocconi School of Management, Milano.
PhD // 2003
Thesis: Una finestra sul trasferimento. Tecnologie innovative per l’architettura. Advisor: Anna Mangiarotti; Politecnico di Milano (published by Libreria Clup, Milano, pp. 296; ISBN: 9788870906028).
Research Associate // 2000-2001
Scientific development of the research: Innovative Building Envelopes at Building Technology Group; Tutor: Leon Glicksman, MIT – Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Boston (USA).
Master’s Degree of Architecture //1998
Thesis: The “engines” of innovation. Contemporary technology systems for the architectural envelope. Advisor: Guido Nardi, Co-relator: Andrea Campioli; Politecnico di Milano.
INSTITUTIONAL ROLES | In Politecnico di Milano
Rector’s Delegate Exhibitions and Events// 2023 – Ongoing
LaborA modellistica fisica e virtuale // 2022 – Ongoing
Member of the Scientific Committee, Politecnico di Milano.
Fondazione Politecnico di Milano // 2020 – 2023
Vice-President, Board of Directors and Delegate for Internationalization.
Dean’s Delegate for International Relations with “EXPO2020”, Dubai // 2016 – 2022
ABC Labs // 2020- Ongoing
Delegate of the director for ABC laboratory system, Politecnico di Milano.
POP: Polytechnic Equal Opportunities// 2018 – Ongoing
Member of the steering committee, Politecnico di Milano.
BIC: Biobased Industry Consortium // 2018 – Ongoing
Member of the Academic Board as representative of ABC Department.
Foundation Alliance // 2022 – Ongoing
Coordinator of the MoU among Fondazione Politecnico – Politecnico di Milano, Fondation CentraleSupélec – Université Paris Saclay, Centro de Innovatión y Tecnología – Universitat Politècnica De Catalunya · Barcelona Tech – UPC.
Venice Architecture Biennale, “Italian Pavilion” // 2020
Board Member of the Italian Pavilion for Biennale of Venice 2020 and invited exhibitor.
Gloknos, Center for Global Knowledge Studies Cambridge// 2019 – Ongoing
Member of the board.
Lab “Ex Future Urbain”, Paris // 2019 – Ongoing
Member of the board.
Angelo Mangiarotti Foundation // 2018 – Ongoing
Member of the Board of Directors.
Emilia Romagna Region // 2018 – 2021
Member of the Advisory Board; Expo2020, Dubai.
Smart Building Expo // 2017 – Ongoing
Member of the technical committee.
Title | Description | Tags | Collaborators | Categories | Year | categories_hfilter |
Material Balance. A Design Equation | Book, Material Balance, Springer | Massimiliano Nastri | Book | 2021 | book publication | |
Siate Materialisti! | Digitale, Materia, Publication, Siate Materialisti! | Book | 2021 | book publication | ||
La Cura, Collana Kum! Le pratiche della Cura, Il Nuovo Melangolo | Book, KUM Festival, La Cura | Paoletti, I.; Mortari, L. | Book | 2021 | book publication | |
Executive Design of the Façade Systems. Typologies and Technologies of the Advanced Building Envelopes | Book, Building Envelopes, Built Environment, Construction Engineering, Envelope construction, Façade design, façade systems, Springer | Massimilano Nastri, Ingrid Paoletti | Book | 2023 | book publication | |
Construction of the Façade Systems. Production and Assembly Procedures of the Advanced Building Envelopes | Book, Building Envelopes, Built Environment, Construction Engineering, Envelope construction, Façade design, façade systems, Springer | Massimiliano Nastri | Book | 2024 | book publication | |
Sound Driven Design | Course explore the relationship between space, human and sound, by inviting students to design a space with high sound comfort conditions. | Acoustic, Workshop | Organizer, Workshop | 2019 | organizer workshop teaching | |
Towards sustainable events: from creative design to execution | Workshop of 3 meetings in cooperation with Balich Wonder Studio. The aim of the workshop is to make an event as sustainable as possible. | Balich Wonder Studio, Event, Workshop | Balich Wonder Studio | Organizer, Workshop | 2024 | organizer workshop teaching |
Leonardo da Vinci: Imagining Futures Symposium | The project launched in Milan in May 2019 at the start of Leonardo da Vinci’s 500th anniversary commemoration, moved to Cambridge in October 2019 before returning to Milan for its final activities. | Cambridge Univerisy, Conference, Leonardo da Vinci | Conference, Conference Organizer | 2019 | conference conference-organizer | |
“Imagining Futures” | The programme engaged students from the Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitectura de Madrid and the Politecnico di Milano in new strategies for multidisciplinary thinking and creative production | Norman Foster Foundation, Politecnico di Milano, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Workshop | Conference, Conference Organizer, Workshop | 2020 | conference conference-organizer workshop teaching | |
“FUTURE SCENARIOS” | Italian Pavilion at Expo2020; Dubai. The conference had the ambition to set the future scenario of teaching, research and practice for architecture of the near future with invited speakers. | Conference, EXPO 2020, Future Scenarios | Conference Organizer | 2021 | conference-organizer | |
The 6th Tensinet Symposium | Computational knitting in Architecture: an experimental design process for a performative textile system | Conference | Clarke, E.; Giglio, A. | Conference | 2019 | conference |
REBUILD 2019, (Re)Making Cities Nuove Piattaforme per le città | Digital Design | Conference | Nastri Massimiliano | Conference | 2019 | conference |
ECAADE 2020/ Education and Research in Computer Aided Architectural Design in Europe | Track Moderator | Conference, ECAADE | Conference | 2020 | conference | |
Design in the Digital Age | Multimaterial - Based Design: Framing an Innovative Ecological Approach to Creativity | Conference, Publication | D’Alessandro, M.; Santana, L.O.; Mônaco dos Santos. D. | Conference, Publication | 2021 | conference publication |
The 39th ECAADE Conference. Towards a new, configurable architecture | Yarn-Level Modeling of Non-Uniform Knitted Fabric for Digital Analysis of Textile Characteristics - From a bitmap to the yarn-level model. | Conference, ECAADE, nitting; computational knitting; digital simulation; textile characteristics; textiles for architecture, Publication | Anishchenko, M.; | Conference, Publication | 2021 | conference publication |
ICBBM 2023 / International Conference of Bio-Based Materials | Bio-based Solutions for the Retrofit of the Existing Building Stock: A Systematic Review. | Bio Based, Conference, ICBBM, Publication | Castellano, G.; Paoletti, I.; Malighetti, L.E.; Carcassi, O. B.; Pradella, F.; Pittau, F. | Conference, Conference Scientific Board, Publication | 2023 | conference conference_scientific_board publication |
KUM festival! Curare, educare, governare | Speaker lecture: “L’habitat: ovvero della cura”; | Conference, KUM Festival | Conference | 2020 | conference | |
Advanced Materials Lecture Series/The multi-inter-trans, disciplinary/Research Innovation and Technology | Talk: “Material Thinking in Design: how to create Radical Material Experimental | Conference | Conference, Conference Scientific Board, Publication | 2020 | conference conference_scientific_board publication | |
KUM Festival! Curare, educare, governare, Ed. 2021 “Come ripartire. Cantieri” | Presentation of the text ‘La Cura’ (Collana Kum! Le pratiche della Cura, Il Nuovo Melangolo, Genoa, pp. 80); | Conference, KUM Festival | Conference | 2021 | conference | |
Re-Think – Circular Economy Forum | Speaker lecture: “Lympha Ingenious | Conference, Re-Think | Conference | 2021 | conference | |
Future Scenarios. Dialogues on Architecture | Speaker lecture: “Material Balance: A New Material Table without Waste | Conference | Conference | 2021 | conference | |
Digital Futures | Conference | 4D Soft Material Systems | Conference | 2021 | conference | |
B20-G20 Dialogue on Women Empowerment | Organised by B20 Special Initiative on Women Empowerment | Conference | Conference | 2021 | conference | |
MADE Expo “La Sostenibilità e la Materia | Speaker Lecture: “Rethinking the concept of sustainable material without preconceptions but weighing up the impact” | Conference | Conference | 2021 | conference | |
KUM Festival! Curare, educare, governare, Ed. 2022 “Cantiere: Il Fine Vita” | Dialogue “Che cosa fare di ciò che resta? With Federico Leoni | Conference, KUM Festival | Conference | 2022 | conference | |
Italian Design Day the Faculty of Interior Architecture | Lecture: “Materializing Light” organised by “Ion Mincu” Bucarest University with the support of Italian Embassy. | Conference, Italian Design Day | Conference | 2023 | conference | |
Nuvole pesanti: quanto inquina internet | MILANO DIGITAL WEEK | Cured By Hublab. Talk: Ingrid Paoletti, Francesco Bruschi and Andrea Daniele Signorelli (Moderator) | Conference, Milano Digital Week | Conference | 2023 | conference | |
Architettura e Metaverso | Talk con Zaha Hadid Architects and LAVA Architects | Conference | Conference | 2023 | conference | |
NATURE-DESIGN & FUTURE | Milano Design Week 2024 | Organised by Wired. Talk “Come natura comanda “with Giovanni Perotto e Claudia Pasquero | Conference, Milano Digital Week | Conference | 2024 | conference | |
Gli scarti e la rigenerazione Urbana | Organizzato da RCS Talk con Alessandro Cannavò (giornalista di Corriere della Sera), Mario Cucinella, Claudia Brunori, Maria Cristina Lavagnolo e Ingrid Paoletti. | Conference | Conference | 2024 | conference | |
Material Eco-systems: Digital, Physical, and Cultural Assemblies – Venezia | Guest speaker. Organizated by Rice University and Politecnico di Milano | Conference | Conference | 2023 | conference | |
TRANSLITERA #03 ARCHITETTURA, PENSIERO UMANO, INTELLIGENZA ARTIFICIALE – Mestre | Relatrice. Organizzato dall’ Ordine degli Architetti P.P.C. di Venezia e la Fondazione degli Architetti P.P.C. di Venezia, in partnership con M9 - Museo del '900 di Venezia Mestre. | Conference | Conference | 2023 | conference | |
SAPERLab le mani pensano: prototipare sistemi costruttivi al tempo del digitale” | Seminario Online con Saverio Pasquale Spadafora (03/06/2020). | Seminario | Politecnico di Milano | Public Engagement, Teaching | 2020 | public-engagement teaching |
Dalla materia ai materiali e dai materiali al materialismo | Alla Scoperta del Ramo d’Oro | Trasmissione RAI – Alla Scoperta del Ramo d’Oro diretto da Edoardo Camurri | Interview, RAI | Interview, Public Engagement | 2023 | interview public-engagement | |
Riscoprire i Materiali per costruire la città del Futuro | Podcast “Città” di Will Media | Riscoprire i Materiali per costruire la città del Futuro | Podcast “Città” di Will Media | Interview, Podcast | Interview, Podcast | 2024 | interview podcast | |
Digitale materico | Archiverso Podcast | S01 E01 Archiverso Podcast | Interview, Podcast | Interview, Podcast | 2024 | interview podcast | |
TEDxMilano | SIATE MATERIALISTI! FACCIAMO POLITICA CON LA MATERIA | Public Engagement | Interview, Public Engagement | 2022 | interview public-engagement | |
“SENTIRSI”: Musica, spazio, condivisioni in un ambiente urbano | Milano Music Week | Evento per Milano Music Week | Event, Public Engagement | Public Engagement, Uncategorized | 2023 | public-engagement uncategorized | |
Eco-Visionaries: Confronting a planet in a state of emergency | One week workshop that explores innovative 3D printed tectonics for closed microalgae cultivation systems (photobioreactors) made of the same biomass produced by the cultiRoyal Academy of Arts, London | 3D, Workshop | Olga Beatrice Carcassi | Workshop | 2019 | workshop teaching |
MAT.RES, Italian Pavilion, 17° Biennale di Architettura di Venezia | MatRes is a living laboratory of resilient materials, with a biological, organic, sustainable, recycled origin, which has a voice and the freedom to grow and transform over time. | Exhibition, Installation | Exhibition, Installation, Uncategorized | 2021 | exhibition installation uncategorized | |
XXIII Triennale Unknow Unknows | The Alchemic laboratory is an experiential place that invites the visitor | Exhibition, Installation | Exhibition, Installation | 2022 | exhibition installation | |
Angelo Mangiarotti and the polytechnical imagination: novel and rediscovered works | The exhibition, displayed inside Guido Nardi Exhibition Space at Politecnico di Milano, presents the figure of Angelo Mangiarotti through his polytechnic culture. | Exhibition, Installation | Ingrid Paoletti; Matteo Ruta; Maria Pilar Vettori | Exhibition, Installation | 2023 | exhibition installation |
PRIN. BHIMM BUILDING HERITAGE | Member of Polimi team, responsible of innovative strategies for adaptable re-use. Scientific coordinator Stefano Della Torre. | building heritage, competition | Competition | 2015 | competition | |
DIGITAL FABRICATION LAB | Scientific coordinator of the winning project "Laboratorio di Fabbricazione Digitale per il Design dell’Artigiano Evoluto' vincitore del Bando della Regione Lombardia 'Territori Creativi' | competition, digital fabrication | Competition | 2017 | competition | |
SMART LIVING PROJECTS – DAMATRA | Responsible and scientific coordinator for the a traceable supply chain in construction | competition, smart living | Competition | 2017 | competition | |
SMART LIVING PROJECTS – 3DIGITAL | Member of the team for BIM Mantainance and survey experimental research | competition, smart living | Competition | 2017 | competition | |
SMART LIVING PROJECTS – ECO-ACUSTICA | Responsible and scientific coordinator for the project of aperformance drive acoustic design | acoustics, smart living | Competition | 2017 | competition | |
HEART HORIZON 2020 CALL FOR ENERGY-EFFICIENT BUILDINGS | Topic: EEB-05-2017 - HEART - Holistic Energy and Architectural Retrofit Toolkit – Work Package Coordinator the building envelope retrofitting strategy. Scientific coordinator Niccolò Aste. | Competition | 2017 | competition | ||
LECCO INNOVATION GRANT – ECOLOGICAL MATERIAL | Scientific Responsible for the Development of an Innovative Building Component with natural material. | Competition | 2017 | competition | ||
MISTI – MIT/POLITECNICO – ROCCA PROJECT FOR PHD EXCHANGE | Politecnico coordinator for the exchange of Phd with Building Technology Group – Digital Structure (Prof. Caitlin Muller). | Competition | 2018 | competition | ||
MINISTRY OF FOREIGN AFFAIRS- ITALIAN PAVILLION FOR EXPO DUBAI 2020 | Winner of the tender for ‘Concept Design’ of Italian Pavilion in Expo 2020 Dubai. Scientific coordinator for Politecnico di Milano, ABC dept in ATI with Rampello & partners. | Competition | 2018 | competition | ||
Senseknit Pavilion | ‘Senseknit’ is using digital knitting to investigate the application of textiles in architecture. | computational design, digital knitting, senseknit, textile | Maria Anishenko, Elpiza Kolo | Installation | 2019 | installation |